accept credit cards
Tips You Need To Know About Credit Cards
Submitted by clientarticles@... on Sun, 09/19/2010 - 09:14It is very important that you inquire with a bank before you decide in owning a credit card. It's also best to know the different offerings of the bank. Know about the credit limit, credit charges, membership fees, finance charges, late charges, cut-off dates, due dates, how you will pay them, can it be used as a discount card, does it have promotions or rewards or rebates, etc.
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Money Then and Now
Submitted by clientarticles@... on Sat, 08/21/2010 - 20:43In about 1200 BC, cowry shells were used as medium of exchange in China. And then it developed to coins and then later to banknotes in the form of leather.
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Giving Your Customers Convenience In Shopping With A Merchant Account
Submitted by clientarticles@... on Tue, 06/15/2010 - 00:39If you are interested to learn about merchant accounts, consult a professional online through their websites. This may be a big step on your part but once you are able to find a company to help you process and accept credit cards consumers will like it and you can only expect mostly positive results.
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